Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said the state government has raised the demand for a separate High Court for Haryana and equal representation for both states in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.
"The state government has demanded a separate High Court, a separate bench of the High Court in Haryana and equal representation," he said inaugurating an e-Library at the court complex, Hisar.
Currently, the High Court of Punjab and Haryana functions from Chandigarh, the joint capital of the two states.
Responding to a demand by advocates here for the separate bench in Hisar, he said "The decision on creating a separate bench can be taken by judges of the Supreme Court and High Court, and the central government."
"If the state government's demands are accepted, those made by advocates in Hisar will also be met," Khattar said.
The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone of a two-lane additional railway over-bridge at Dabra Chowk, Hisar.
Describing advocates as the sentinels of law, he urged them to provide cheap, convenient and immediate services to the people, especially to the poor.
"As the poor cannot afford expensive legal fees, the state government has constituted the legal services authorities at the district level to provide assistance," he said.
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